WITHOUT CORN SYRUP! WOOT WOOT! That is correct ladies and gentlemen!! There is no, absolutely no, corn syrup in my recipe. I do not believe in corn syrup, I will not buy anything that has corn syrup; nor will I allow my family to consume any (organic or not- NO THANK YOU!). These melt amazingly! Just like the Kraft brand ones, expect without all the JUNK they add to them! As you see pictured below I used great lakes gelatin, this gelatin is made of pure ingredients and is really good for you; because it is made from beef. Shocker but yes! It is amazing! I have used this recipe of marshmallows for over 5 years now, and continue to become more and more impressed with how they turn out; fluffier every time- even more so! Use for s'mores! YUM YUM! Eat plan or pop in hot chocolate; whatever your marshmallow desire-fulfill it with homemade marshmallows not store bought. (My next experiment with these is gonna be dehydrating them-so stick around!!)
After making these this past week I realized something... I actually am making corn syrup when we boil the water and sugar together! Holy COW! How cool is that?! Well hop to it y'all! Make some organic homemade marshmallows and watch everyone go uber crazy over them!

You Will Need:
1 Cup Water
8 tbsp Water
2 tbsp
Great Lakes Gelatin
1/4 tsp Salt
2 tsp Organic Vanilla
1 1/2 Cups Organic Sugar
Place your 1 cup water into a sauce pan with the sugar
Place the 8 tbsp of water and gelatin in a separate bowl, leave it alone
Sugar added
Place on medium heat and allow the sugar to dissolve. Stir often
Will start to bubble up, continue stirring and once the bubbles go down a bit continue cooking for 10-15 minutes more
Looks beautiful
Pour the sugar mixture into the gelatin
Add salt
Add vanilla
Now you are going to mix this until stiff peaks
It is so beautiful!! So white, fluffy and this is considered done if you want Marshmallow Fluff
Pour into a dish that is line with unbleached parchment paper, covered in powder sugar- this will keep it from sticking
Sprinkle powder sugar on top
Leave on counter away from any moisture for 8 hours
Dump onto a counter covered in powder sugar
Cover all sides in powder sugar
Beautiful, fluffy, and amazing!!